Inhalt des Dokuments
Control of localized structures in optical cavities
Friday, 18. January 2019
Location: Technische Universität
Main building, Room H 3005
Straße des 17. Juni 135,
10623 Berlin
Guests are welcome!
Friday, 18 January 2019
15:00 | Control
and Generation of Spatio-temporal Localized Structures in Passively
Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers Dr. Julien Javaloyes Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain |
15:45 | Coffee
break |
16:00 |
Control and long-term behaviour of pulse trains in an
excitable microlaser with delayed optical feedback Dr. Soizic Terrien University of Auckland, New Zealand |
16:30 | Emergence of pulse
clusters in a V-shaped mode-locked laser Jan Hausen Technische Universität Berlin |
17:00 | Informal
("Stammtisch") |
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