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TU Berlin

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Important Information - New Time

The tutorial will take place online via a video conferencing tool.

To enter the online room, visit the ISIS weg page and click on the announcement "Tutorial - New Time". 

The tutorial takes place Wednesdays at 16:15 - 17:45.

Please register in ISIS to access the digital material.




Nonlinear Dynamics in Complex Systems and Networks (Tutorial)

Lehrveranstaltung 3233 L 522

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Anna Zakharova, 

Tutorial: We 16:15 -17:45 in EW 733 (first tutorial on 29.04.2020) 



1. Analytical tasks

2. Numerical simulations

3. Projects

Additionally, the following courses are recommended:

- Seminar "Multilayer Networks: Applications and Related Concepts": LV-Nr. 3233 L 611, Tuesday 16:15, via Zoom

- Lecture "Nonlinear Dynamics in Complex Systems and Networks": LV-Nr. 3233 L 521, Wednesday 10:15-11:45 via Zoom





- active participation in the tutorial

- work on projects

- project presentation

Zusatzinformationen / Extras


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