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TU Berlin

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Java visualisations for electrodynamics

2-D visualisation of static electromagnetic fields


This Applet lets the user add and arrange charges, conductors, and dielectrics in any two dimensional geometry and display their fields with various representations like vector arrows, field lines, polarisation the potential and more.

The setup list contains a large collection of typical electro-static problems like multipoles etc.



Displays magnetic fields generated by currents flowing through various types of conductors. These fields can be visualized by various representations like vector arrows, field lines, test particles, and more.

Examples of those systems can be found in any conductor. A special case is the Helmholz coil, which produces an homogeneous magnetic field.

Electromagnetic waves


The applet shows waves from point- and plane sources and their diffraction and reflection patterns at various setups like edges, slits, and mirrors.

The (2D) plane shows the direction of the propagation and the direction of the electric field (TE). The amplitude of the magnetic field is indicated.

Electromagnetic waves (with waveguides)


This Applet displays wave fields of up to four sources. The waves travel within the plane of the B-field vector. The electric field vector is only shown in its absolute value through the color scale.

External resources for electrodynamics

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