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TU Berlin

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German-Russian Interdisciplinary Science Center



E-teaching and remotely attended seminars


Dr. Philipp Hövel , Prof. Dr. Eckehard Schöll, PhD, Prof. Fradkov, Stanislav Ax, Anatoli Ulmer

Involved partner groups from Russia and Germany: Fradkov, Hövel, Schöll

The creation and maintenance of the tools provided within the e-learning branch is possible thanks to the sponsoring by G-RISC. The overview below records the all in all infrastructure established by funding the current project through G-RISC.


State-of-the-art and aims of the project

Multimedia and e-learning are valuable tools to enhance education of students. By internet-based techniques, students from different locations around the globe can profit from jointly performed lecture series and research seminars. Seminars can be jointly held although the attendees might still reside at their home institutions. The discussion and knowledge transfer will take place by their virtual presence via modern communication tools. This leads to a great benefit of those advanced students who are entering the international conference community. Lectures could be given using e-chalk www.e-kreide.de, which means that they are available on the web for download or replay including audio by students from all institutions participating in the G-RISC framework, immediately after the lecture is finished. These actions will fundamentally facilitate discussion and scientific exchange.


Outline of activities



A German-Russian seminar Control of network dynamics on cutting-edge topics in the field of network science and control with the working group of Prof. Fradkov has been established. The practicability of a joint seminar remotely attended via an online platform has been clearly demonstrated. We used mobile multimedia sets, which were part of previous G-RISC projects (M-2012a-2, -2010a-5), and additional equipment of the current project X-2013b-1.

Furthermore, we started the revision of e-teaching tools of the curriculum of theoretical physics, which will support and enhance the usage of e-teaching tools. This also builds on the expertise gained through a three-year project at Technische Universität Berlin (Project director: Prof. Schöll) on visualization and animation of theoretical physics through electronic applets and e-modules available online, see www3.itp.tu-berlin.de/menue/lehre/owl/parameter/en. We mainly focused on the field of classical mechanis and electrodynamics, because the corresponding, compulsory lectures are held in this term.



Our efforts to advance the German-Russian exchange for the promotion of teaching and science are continued. The joint seminar ends in February 2014. We also intend to organize a similar German-Russian student seminar in the summer semester 2014. Therefore, this project helps to establish a routine for a series of future seminars and thus lead to positive long-term effects. In addition, the student assistants will develop and maintain e-modules for courses given in that semester.

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