Inhalt des Dokuments
Physics of Quantum Computation
Wahllehrveranstaltung 3233 L 503 für Studierende im Masterstudiengang Physik.
Dozent: Dr. Javier Cerrillo
Sprache der Veranstaltung: vorläufig auf Englisch, die Vorlesung kann aber auf Wunsch auch auf Deutsch gehalten werden.
This lecture is equivalent to 3 ECTS credit points.
Note the new coordinates for the lecture!!
New room: EW731
New time: Thursdays 12:00-14:00
Lecture notes (regularly updated)
Quantum mechanics radically transformed our view of reality, providing a framework for the comprehension of dynamical processes that highly challenges our macroscopic-world intuition. Which weird properties of the theory can we take advantage of? Is it possible to make technological use of them?
The discovery of quantum computational algorithms that offer an exponential speed-up with respect to their classical counterparts provided sound evidence in this direction. Nowadays, not only fundamental research but also private entrepreneurship have transformed this hypothesis into a sensible and promising venture.
In this lecture we present the state of the art of the most prominent examples of quantum computation or quantum information processing, while at the same time focusing on aspects relevant to the eye of a physicist. This includes an overview and analysis of physical platforms available for these tasks and also a study of the challenges faced by them in terms of scalability and future development.
Covered topics include:
Universal quantum computation
Quantum algorithms
Physics of information
Alternative implementations
Ion traps
Cold atoms
Photonic realizations
Solid state devices
Decoherence processes
Quantum simulation
Scheinkriterien / Schein Criteria
Die Scheinkriterien wurden vereinfacht!!
Die Scheinkriterien sind
- Regelmäßige Anwesenheit.
- Verarbeitung in zweier Gruppen von 10 der mit "Schein" im Skript gekennzeichneten Übungen. Die Übungen sind bis Ende des Semesters abzugeben.
Update on the "Schein" criteria!!
The criteria to receive a "Schein" (certificate) for the lecture are
- Regular presence in the lecture.
- Solving 10 of the exercises marked with the word "Schein" in the lecture notes. The exercises must be realized in groups of two attendees and must be handed in before the end of the semester.
- Nielsen, Chuang, "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information", Cambridge 2010.
- Lecture notes of Prof. John Preskill (Caltech)
Other resources
- Michael Nielsen's introductory lectures