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Eugene Wigner Colloquium
Event of SFB 910.
Thursdays 16.15 in room EW 202 at TU Berlin and also accessible online via Zoom.
For talks of the Physics Colloquium, please check: Physics Colloquium
For information on how to access the events, please contact: henning.reinken(at)
SoSe 2022
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
02.06.2022 16:15 EW 202 | Prof. Sandro Wimberger (Università di Parma, Italy) | Coherent control by driving and compensation | A. Eckardt | SFB 910 |
WS 2020/2021
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
12.11.20 16:15 via Zoom | Dr. Christian Carbogno (Fritz-Haber-Institut) | The Key Role of Lattice Anharmonicityfor Heat and Charge Transport in Solids: FundamentalConcepts,Novel Methods, and Relevant Applications (Habilitationsvortrag) | A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
26.11.20 16:15 via Zoom | Prof. Dr. Alessandro Torcini (Université de Cergy-Pontoise Paris) | Emergent excitability in populations of non-excitable units | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
03.12.20 16:15 via Zoom | Prof. Dr. Eberhard Müller (TU Berlin) | Bose-Einstein condensation of an ideal quantum gas of photons in an optical microcavity | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
10.12.20 16:15 via Zoom | Dr. Karel Proesmans (University of Luxembourg) | Finite-time Landauer principle | S. Klapp | SFB 910 |
25.02.21 16:15 via Zoom | Prof. Vasily Zaburdaev (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) | Understanding bacterial colonies as active materials | H. Stark | SFB 910 |
SoSe 2020
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
23.04.20 cancelled / postponed | Prof. Dr. Dmitry Turchinovich (Universität Bielefeld) | Terahertz physics of graphene, possibly the most nonlinear material we know | Physics Colloquium | |
30.04.20 postponed to WS 2020/2021 | Dr. Christian Carbogno (Fritz-Haber-Institut) | A. Knorr | SFB 910 | |
04.06.20 postponed to WS 2020/2021 | Prof. Dr. Alessandro Torcini (Université de Cergy-Pontoise Paris) | E. Schöll | SFB 910 | |
11.06.20 postponed to WS 2020/2021 | Prof. Dr. Eberhard Müller (TU Berlin) | Bose-Einstein condensation of an ideal quantum gas of photons in an optical microcavity | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
18.06.20 cancelled / postponed | Prof. Dr. Fritz Wagner (Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, Greifswald) | Transition in energy supply technologies: A general assessment | Physics Colloquium |
WS 2019/2020
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
14.11.19 | Emil Vosmar Denning (Technical University of Denmark) | Collective quantum memory activated by a driven central spin | A. Carmele/ A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
21.11.19 | Dr. Özgür Gürcan (École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France) | Spectral geometry of the turbulent cascade | Physics Colloquium | |
28.11.19 | cancelled | cancelled | cancelled | SFB 910 |
05.12.19 | Simona Olmi (Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée Research Centre, Valbonne, France) | Cross frequency coupling in next generation inhibitory neural mass models | A. Zakharova | SFB 910 |
12.12.19 | Dr. Antonio Hurtado (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK) | Neuromorphic Photonics: Towards Ultrafast Brain-Inspired Computing Systems | K. Lüdge | SFB 910 |
19.12.19 | Prof. Dr. Markus Rapp (DLR Oberpfaffenhofen and DLR Neustrelitz, Germany; Ludwig Maximilians University Munich) | Weltraumwetter und seine Auswirkungen auf die Erde | Physics Colloquium | |
09.01.19 | Prof. Dr. Nicola Gaston (University of Auckland, New Zealand) | Why Science is Sexist | K. Lüdge | SFB 910 |
16.01.20 | Prof. Dr. Cary Forest (University Madison Wisconsin, USA) | A Laboratory Analog of the Parker Spiral | Physics Colloquium | |
23.01.20 | Dr. Benjamin Lingnau (Department of Physics, University College Cork, Ireland) | Nonlinear Laser Dynamics in Modern Technology | Physics Colloquium | |
30.01.20 | Prof. Joerg Rottler (UBC, Vancouver, Canada) | The nonequilibrium physics of driven amorphous soft matter: plasticity and collective effects | S. Klapp/ H. Stark | SFB 910 |
06.02.20 | Dr. Mikhail Glazov (Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia) | Quantum transport of excitons in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers | M. Selig/ A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
13.02.20 | Prof. Dr. Yuri Maistrenko (National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine) | Dissipative solitons for delayed-feedback systems | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
SoSe 2019
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
18.04.19 | Dr. Anna Zakharova | Modeling of climate change | SFB 910 | |
25.04.19 | Dr. Tim Luce | | K. Lüdge | Physics Colloquium |
02.05.19 | Maja Feierabend (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) | Controlling the optical fingerprint of transition metal dichalcogenides via molecules, strain and disorder | M. Selig/ A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
09.05.19 | Alexander Blum | Heisenberg's Weltformel | A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
16.05.19 | Prof. Dr. Svetlana Santer (Uni Potsdam) | Light Responsive Micro-Objects | H. Stark | SFB 910 |
23.05.19 | Prof. David Burgess (Queen Mary College London) | Cosmical Shock Waves | Physics Colloqium | |
13.06.19 | Dr. Karen Olsson-Francis (The Open University, United Kingdom) | | Physics Colloqium | |
20.06.19 | Prof. Dr. Thomas Speck (JGU Mainz) | Multi-scale Modeling Out of Equilibrium | S. Klapp | SFB 910 |
04.07.19 | Frank Lengers (Uni Münster) | Ultrafast Spatio-Temporal Carrier Dynamics in Low-Dimensional Semiconductors | M. Selig/ A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
11.07.19 | Dr. David Zwicker (MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen) | Active droplets in biological cells | H. Stark | SFB 910 |
WS 2018/2019
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
01.11.18 | Ursula Keller (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) | A dual-comb MIXSEL enables dual-comb spectroscopy with one unstabilized semiconductor laser | K. Lüdge | Physics Colloquium |
08.11.18 | Nikolett Nemet (University of Auckland, New Zealand) | Coupled Nanofibre Fabry-Perot Cavity-QED | A. Carmele / A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
15.11.18 | Stephan Strohmaier (TRUMPF Laser GmbH) | Advanced Diode Laser R&D and High Power Lasers | J. Eichler | Physics Colloquium |
06.12.18 | Nikola Sadzak (Humboldt-Universität Berlin) | Dynamical decoupling and spectroscopy with a single solid state spin magnetometer | A. Carmele / A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
13.12.18 | Matthias Wuttig (RWTH Aachen) | Phase Change Materials by Design: Taming Bond No. 6 | M. Kneissl | Physics Colloquium |
10.01.19 | Prof. Dr. Yuri Maistrenko (Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) | Solitary States in Coupled Oscillators and Power Grids | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
17.01.19 | Michael Wilczek (MPI Göttingen) | Self-organized large-scale order in active fluids | S. Klapp | SFB 910 |
24.01.19 | Tim Luce (Head of Science and Operations Department of ITER) | ABGESAGT: ITER - An Essential Step Toward Fusion Energy | R. Wolf | Physics Colloquium |
31.01.19 | Dr. Alexander Badinski (Chief Digital Officer BASF Schwarzheide) | Non-linear dynamics in the chemical industry – one cornerstone for the digital transformation | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
07.02.19 | Cristina Masoller (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain) | Dynamics of FitzHugh Nagumo neurons under weak periodic external input (Abstract) | A. Zakharova | SFB 910 |
14.02.19 | Harold Linnartz (University of Leiden, Netherlands) | Laboratory Astrophysics: Simulating Space on Earth | O. Dopfer | Physics Colloquium |
SoSe 2018
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
19.04.2018 | Andrew Keane (University of Auckland, New Zealand) | State-dependent delay in the El Niño Southern Oscillation system | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
26.04.2018 | Alex Arenas (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain) | Efficient epidemic containment using link equations in complex networks | P. Hövel | Physics Colloquium, starting at 16:15h |
03.05.2018 | ||||
17.05.2018 | Mauro Fernandes Pereira (Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences) | Optics in the GIGA-TERA-MIR Range | A. Knorr | GRK 1558 |
24.05.2018 | Ingo Fischer (IFISC Mallorca, Spain) | Neuro-inspired photonic information processing: the return of optics in computing | K. Lüdge | Physics Colloquium, starting at 16:15h |
31.05.2018 | Sven Banisch (MPI für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig) | Novel Models of Opinion Dynamics | P. Hövel | SFB 910 |
07.06.2018 | Axel Voigt (TU Dresden) | Microscopic field theoretical approaches for active systems | M. Bär | GRK 1558 |
14.06.2018 | Jesper Mørk (Technical University of Denmark) | Photonic crystal Fano lasers and quantum noise in nanolasers | K. Lüdge | Physics Colloquium, starting at 16:15h |
21.06.2018 | ||||
28.06.2018 | Philipp Kanehl (IBM Deutschland GmbH) | Data Science at IBM - The Toxic Comment Classification Challenge | H. Stark / J.-T. Kuhr | GRK 1558 |
05.07.2018 | Rafa Sanchez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) | Mesoscopic thermo-electronics | G. Schaller | GRK 1558 |
13.07.2018 (Friday) | Fakultätstag Physik | |||
19.07.2018 |
WS 2017/2018
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
19.10.17 | Matthias Schneider (TU Dortmund) | From Physics to Biology: Pulses, Fluctuations, Non-linearities... Living State | R. Netz | GRK 1558 |
26.10.17 16:15 / 17:00 | Gerard Degan / Eric Alamou (Université Nationale des Sciences, Technologies, Ingénierie et Mathématiques (UNSTIM), Benin) | Non-linear and linear stability analysis of a Maxwell-Jeffrey fluid in a rotating anisotropic porous layer with oblique principal axes / Hydrological Modelling Based on the Principle of Least Action: Application to the Rain Flow | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
02.11.17 | Takuya Higuchi (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) | Light-Field-Driven Landau-Zener-Stückelberg interferometry in Graphene | A. Knorr | GRK 1558 |
09.11.17 | Anna Zakharova (TU Berlin) | Chimera patterns in networks: interplay of dynamics, structure, noise, and delay | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
16.11.17 | Abderrahim Ramdanem (Université Paris-Sud) | Semiconductor laser based frequency combs for multi-terabit/s data transmission | D. Bimberg | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
23.11.17 | Dirk Helbing (ETH Zürich) | Can physics help to understand and fix society? | P. Lorenz / P. Hövel | SFB 910 |
30.11.17 | Ahsan Nazir (University of Manchester) | Quantum dynamics and thermodynamics at strong reservoir coupling | G. Schaller | GRK 1558 |
07.12.17 | ||||
14.12.17 | Tilman Pfau (Universität Stuttgart) | Dipolar quantum gases and liquids | T. Möller | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
21.12.17 | Christian Flindt (Aalto University) | Lee-Yang zeros in condensed matter physics: theory and experiment | G. Schaller | GRK 1558 |
11.01.18 | Tiago de Paula Peixoto (University of Bath) | Inferring the large-scale structure of networks | F. Ghanbarnejad / P. Hövel | SFB 910 |
18.01.18 | Vahid Sandoghar (Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts, Erlangen) | From single molecules to controlled cooperative systems in quantum nano-optics | U. Woggon | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
25.01.18 | Víctor Eguíluz (Universitat de les Illes Balears) | Big data, complex systems and marine megafauna movement | F. Ghanbarnejad / P. Hövel | SFB 910 |
01.02.18 | Inmaculada Leyva (Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid) | Interlayer synchronization in multiplex complex networks | A. Zakharova | SFB 910 |
08.02.18 | Karen Alim (MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen) | Morphology control by active fluid flows | H. Stark | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
15.02.18 | Ben Fabry (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) | Forces and movements in crowded environments: from penguin huddles to tumor cells | C. Beta | GRK 1558 |
SoSe 2017
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
11.05.17 | Robin Shelton (University of Georgia, Athens, USA) | Simulations of the Fast and Furious Lives of High Velocity Clouds | D. Breitschwerdt | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
01.06.17 | Replaced by SFB 910 symposium | Delays: stochastics, global analysis, and control | B. Fiedler | alternative location: H 3005 |
29.06.17 | Marc Timme (MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen) | Inverse Problems of Network Dynamics: From Control to Reconstruction and Design | F. Ghanbarnejad P. Hövel | |
06.07.17 | Wolfram Just (Queen Mary University of London, UK) | On synchronisation of oscillator networks with propagation delay | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
14.07.17 (Friday) | Wolf-Christian Müller (TU Berlin) | Turbulente Magnetfelder - Theorie und numerische
Untersuchungen eines wunderbaren Durcheinanders | Fakultätstag Physik,
starting at 16:00h | |
20.07.17 | Fernando Peruani (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France) | Towards a quantitative, physical approach of bacterial infections: Salmonella Typhimurium in the search of host cells | C. Beta | GRK 1558 |
WS 2016/2017
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
20.10.16 | Jörn Dunkel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) | Geometric control of pattern formation in soft elastic materials and active fluids | H. Engel | SFB 910 |
27.10.16 | Igor Mekhov (University of Oxford, UK) | Weak measurements and quantum optical lattices for strongly correlated bosons and fermions | A. Knorr | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
03.11.16 | Matthias Krüger (MPI for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart) | Classical fluctuation forces out of equilibrium | S. Klapp | SFB 910 |
10.11.16 | Jens Starke (Universität Rostock) | Equation-free analysis of collective behavior in particle models | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
24.11.16 | Olga Smirnova (Max-Born-Institut und TU Berlin) | Looking inside chiral molecules at ultrafast time scales | B. Kanngießer | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
08.12.16 | Dvira Segal (University of Toronto, Canada) | Charge and heat transport at the nanoscale: Lessons from elementary models | G. Schaller | GRK 1558 |
15.12.16 | Manami Sasaki (Dr. Karl Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg und Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) | Vom Tod bis zur Geburt der Sterne: der Kreislauf der interstellaren Materie | D. Breitschwerdt | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
19.01.17 | Stephan Schlemmer (Universität Köln) | Ions in space and in the laboratory: Chemistry at the coldest places of the universe | O. Dopfer | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
26.01.17 | Thomas Ihle (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald) | Kinetic theory of active particles: von Mises distribution, Chapman-Enskog expansion and ring-kinetic theory | M. Bär | GRK 1558 |
09.02.17 | Yamir Moreno (University of Zaragoza, Spain) | Disease spreading processes in multilayer networks | P. Hövel F. Ghanbarnejad | |
16.02.17 | James Gleeson (University of Limerick, Ireland) | Temporal profiles of avalanches on networks | F. Ghanbarnejad P. Hövel |
SoSe 2016
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
21.04.16 | | |||
28.04.16 | Jochen Guck (TU Dresden) | Do biological cells care about physics? | H. Stark | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
05.05.16 | Holiday: Christi Himmelfahrt | - | - | - |
12.05.16 | Arnd Scheel (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis) | Coherent Structures in Nonlocal Equations | B. Fiedler | SFB 910 Special: begins at 17.15 |
19.05.16 | Mark Fox (University of Sheffield) | On-chip quantum photonics with integrated quantum dot emitters | U. Woggon / S. Reitzenstein | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
26.05.16 | ||||
02.06.16 | Gernot Alber (TU Darmstadt) | Quantum Electrodynamical Processes in Large Cavities | A. Carmele / A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
09.06.16 | Andrew Goryachev (University of Edinburgh) | Activator-inhibitor patterns inside biological cells | M. Bär | GRK 1558 |
16.06.16 | Eli Kapon (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne) | Quantum Photonics with Ordered Quantum Wire and Quantum Dot Systems | D. Bimberg | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
23.06.16 | Felix Höfling (FU Berlin) | Anomalous transport in heterogeneous environments and crowded cells | H. Stark / J.-T. Kuhr | GRK 1558 |
30.06.16 | Peter Ashwin (Exeter University, UK) | The unreasonable effectiveness of symmetry in nonlinear dynamics | Y. Maistrenko | SFB 910 |
07.07.16 | Glenn Lawyer (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken) | Beyond Centrality: Understanding node influence in networks | P. Hövel | SFB 910 |
15.07.16 (Friday) | Robert Wolf (TU Berlin) | Von großen Maschinen und heißen Plasmen | M. Lehmann / H. Stark | Fakultätstag Physik, starting at 16:00h |
21.07.16 |
WS 2015/2016
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
15.10.15 | Avraham Be'er (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) | Complex Dynamics of Collectively Swarming Bacteria | M. Bär | GRK 1558 |
22.10.15 | Simone Reber (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin) | How the ideas of soft matter physics help us understand cellular organization | H. Stark | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
29.10.15 | Bernd Krauskopf (University of Auckland, New Zealand) | A geometric perspective on the route to chaos in the Lorenz system | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
05.11.15 | ||||
12.11.15 | diverse | Program | U. Woggon | Festkolloquium zu Ehren von Prof. Eichler starting at 16:00h |
19.11.15 | Thomas Leisner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) | The secret lives of clouds: Laboratory studies on cloud microphysics | T. Möller | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
26.11.15 | Elena Panteley (CNRS, France, and ITMO University, St. Petersburg) | Analysis and control design for networks of Stuart-Landau oscillators and applications to neuronal populations | A. Zakharova | SFB 910 |
03.12.15 | Tineke Stroucken (Philipps University Marburg) | Bright p-excitons indicating exciton condensation in novel 2D materials | A. Carmele / A. Knorr | GRK 1558 |
10.12.15 | Yohann Duguet (CNRS Paris, France) | Hysteretic turbulence in pipes and channels | Y. Maistrenko | SFB 910 |
17.12.15 | ||||
07.01.16 | Jacob Crandall (Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates) | Regulating Highly Automated Machine Ecologies | P. Hövel | SFB 910 |
14.01.16 | John Rarity (University of Bristol) | Nanophotonics, two-level systems and quantum information | S. Reitzenstein | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
21.01.16 | Sebastian Heidenreich (PTB, Berlin) | Mathematical modelling: From active fluids to uncertainty quantification | S. Klapp | GRK 1558 / SFB 910 |
28.01.16 | Jaume Casademunt (University of Barcelona) | Hydrodynamic instabilities and weak turbulence in expanding epithelial tissues | M. Bär | GRK 1558 |
04.02.16 | Katharina Krischer (TU München) | Spatial coexistence of different patterns in oscillatory media: how common is it? | Y. Maistrenko | SFB 910 |
11.02.16 | Guillaume Charras (University College London) | Biophysical mechanisms of oriented tissue growth in epithelial monolayers | C. Beta | GRK 1558 |
SoSe 2015
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
16.04.15 | Doris Reiter (Universität Münster) | Optical control of a single Mn spin in a single quantum dot | A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
23.04.15 | Christian Wagner (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken) | Viscoelastic turbulence – a similar but different kind of turbulence | H. Stark | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
07.05.15 | Thilo Gross (University of Bristol, UK) | Epidemics in adaptive and heterogeneous networks | P. Hövel | SFB 910 |
21.05.15 | Gernot Schaller (Technische Universität Berlin) | Thermodynamics of quantum transport | T. Brandes | |
28.05.15 | Sebastian Wolf (Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel) | Können wir die Entstehung von Planeten beobachten? | D. Breitschwerdt | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
11.06.15 | Matthias Weiss (Universität Bayreuth) | Organizing living matter - From molecules to cellular structures | C. Beta | GRK 1558 |
18.06.15 | Friedhelm Bechstedt (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena) | Electronic excitations from first principles: Fiction or reality? | N. Esser | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
02.07.15 | Michael Stich (Aston University, Birmingham, UK) | Local vs. global time-delay feedback schemes for oscillatory systems | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
09.07.15 | Steven Niederer (King's College, London, UK) | Modelling Pathological Variations in Time and Space across the Heart | M. Falcke | GRK 1558 |
10.07.15 Friday | Oliver Brock (Technische Universität Berlin) | Was wir von Robotern über Intelligenz lernen können | H. Stark | Fakultätstag Physik, starting at 16:00h, EW 201 |
WS 2014/2015
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
16.10.14 | Sean Cornelius (North Eastern University, Boston, USA) | Cascades, compensatory perturbations, and control in complex networks (PDF, 198,3 KB) | A. Zakharova | SFB 910 |
23.10.14 | Horst Fichtner (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) | The Structure of the Outer Heliosphere and the Local Interstellar Medium: Implications from the Voyager and IBEX Missions | D. Breitschwert | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
13.11.14 | Alessio Serafini (University College London, UK) | Diffusive conditional dynamics and the control of quantum continuous variables (PDF, 197,4 KB) | A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
20.11.14 | Berenike Maier (Universität zu Köln) | Coordination of bacterial motors (PDF, 196,1 KB) | C. Beta | GRK 1558 |
27.11.14 | Marc Vrakking (Max Born Institut, Berlin, Germany) | Attosecond time-resolved molecular dynamics | T. Möller | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
11.12.14 | Mattia Frasca, Arturo Buscarino (Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy) | Remote synchronization in complex networks, Dynamical processes on time-varying networks (PDF, 196,2 KB) | P. Hövel | SFB 910 Starting at 17:15h |
18.12.14 | Alexey Zaikin (University College London, UK) | Noise and Intelligence in intracellular gene-regulatory networks (PDF, 199,7 KB) | A. Zakharova E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
08.01.15 | Anton Dontsov (Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia) | Mode switching in ring lasers with delayed optical cross-feedback | E. Schöll | GRK 1558 |
15.01.15 | Vittoria Colizza (EPIcx lab, INSERM & UPMC, Paris, France ISI Foundation, Italy) | Epidemics on temporal networks:
targeted interventions and invasion conditions | P. Hövel | SFB 910 |
22.01.15 | Gregor Weihs (Universität Innsbruck, Austria) | Nonclassical light from semiconductor nanostructures | S. Reitzenstein | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
29.01.15 | David Citrin (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA) | Chaos in External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers (PDF, 197,8 KB) | K. Lüdge A. Knorr | GRK 1558 |
05.02.15 | Haye Hinrichsen (Universität Würzburg, Germany) | Critical Phenomena in Systems with Long-Range Couplings | M. Bär | SFB 910 |
12.02.15 | Raymond Kapral (University of Toronto, Canada) | Quantum Dynamics in Open Quantum-Classical Systems | H. Stark | GRK 1558 |
SoSe 2014
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
17.04.14 | Oleh Omel'chenko (WIAS Berlin) | Bifurcation analysis of chimera states | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
24.04.14 | Russell Dupuis (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta) | III-Nitride Wide-Bandgap Light Emitters: The Ultimate Lamp for the Visible and Ultraviolet | M. Kneissl | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
08.05.14 | Jens Christian Claussen (Jacobs University Bremen) | Social humans, economic agents and bacterial games - and how game payoffs control the stability: From microscopic interactions to macroscopic evolutionary dynamics | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
15.05.14 | Ulrich Schwarz (Universität Heidelberg) | Physics of active contractile matter | H. Stark | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
22.05.14 | Viktor Jirsa (Aix-Marseille Université) | Non-stationarity of the human resting state causes rich functional connectivity dynamics | K. Obermayer | SFB 910 |
05.06.14 | Klaus Kroy (Universität Leipzig) | Non-isothermal Brownian motion | C. Beta | GRK 1558 |
12.06.14 | ||||
19.06.14 | Frank Jahnke (Universität Bremen) | Quantum optics with semiconductor quantum dots in optical microcavities | U. Woggon / A. Knorr | GRK 1558 |
20.06.14 (Friday) | Yong-Hee Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea) | Very Small Lasers | D.Bimberg | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
26.06.14 | ||||
03.07.14 | Luca Ghiringhelli (Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin) | Towards ab initio modelling of heterogeneous catalysis: beyond the static, monostructure description | S. Klapp | GRK 1558 |
11.07.14 (Friday) | Markus Bär (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Technische Universität Berlin) | Von der Vermessung von Nanostrukturen zur Modellierung aktiver Flüssigkeiten | Fakultätstag Physik U. Woggon | Physics Colloquium, 16:00, EW 201 |
17.07.14 | Andreas Bausch (Technische Universität München) | Cytoskeletal pattern formation: Self organization of topology | R. Netz | GRK 1558 |
WS 2013/14
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
17.10.13 | Patrick Rinke (Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Plank-Gesellschaft, Berlin) | Hybrid inorganic/organic systems from first principles | A. Knorr | GRK 1558 |
24.10.13 | Marten Richter (TU Berlin) | Theory of spectroscopy and light emission of nanostructures | A. Knorr | GRK 1558 |
31.10.13 | Philipp Hövel (TU Berlin) | Synchronization, desynchronization, and hybrid states: nonlinear dynamics on networks | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
07.11.13 | ||||
14.11.13 | Tatyana Vadivasova (Saratov State University) | Rotating waves, multistability and noise effects in the FitzHugh-Nagumo medium | A. Zakharova, E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
21.11.13 | Rolf Bader (University of Hamburg) | Musikinstrumente als synchronisierende Impulsmuster | E. Schöll | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
28.11.13 | Marc-Thorsten Hütt (Jacobs University Bremen) | Predicting biological patterns from cell properties: general concept and application to Dictyostelium discoideum | M. Bär | GRK 1558 |
05.12.13 | Rudolf Podgornik (University of Ljubljana) | Disorder and Coulomb interactions | H. Stark, M. Schoen | GRK 1524 and GRK 1558 |
12.12.13 | Wolfgang Sandner (Max-Born Institut/TU Berlin) | Extreme Light Infrastructure ELI: Europas Initiative für international Forschung mit den weltweit stärksten Lasern | U. Woggon | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
19.12.13 | ||||
09.01.14 | ||||
16.01.14 | Hartmut Löwen (University of Düsseldorf) | Collective dynamics of self-propelled particles: from crystallization to turbulence | S. Klapp | GRK 1558 |
23.01.14 | Willem L. Vos (University of Twente) | Controlling light with photonic nanostructures and with wavefront shaping | S. Reitzenstein | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
30.01.14 | Antonio Celani (Institut Pasteur, Paris) | Chemical senses, small and large | C. Beta | GRK 1558 |
06.02.14 | Peter Lenz (Philipps-Universität Marburg) | Self-organized biological patterns in systems with density-suppressed motility | M. Bär | GRK 1558 |
13.02.14 | Andreas Alvermann (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität, Greifswald) | A computational perspective on the spin-boson model | A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
SS 2013
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
25.04.13 | Luca Celardo (Brescia, Italy) | Is energy transfer in natural photosynthetic systems a superradiant phenomenon? | G. Schaller | GRK 1558 |
02.05.13 | Markus Engstler (Universität Würzburg) | Deadly trypanosomes and a little physics | H. Stark | GRK 1558 |
16.05.13 | C.-Z. Ning (Arizona State University) | Plasmonic Nanolasers: A Paradigm Shift in Laser Physics | D. Bimberg | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h | 23.05.13 | Alexander Morozov (University of Edinburgh) | Understanding swimming in viscoelastic fluids | H. Stark K. Wolff | GRK 1558 |
30.05.13 | Martin Haehnelt (University of Cambridge) | Probing dark matter and the expansion history of the Universe with Lyman-alpha absorption in the spectra of distant quasars | R. Tautz D. Breitschwerdt | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h | 06.06.13 | Jürgen Horbach (Universität Düsseldorf) | Nonlinear response of soft-sphere glasses to external fields | S. Klapp | SFB 910 |
13.06.13 | Maurizio Mattia (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome) | Population dynamics of spiking neurons: from theory to cultured networks | J. Ladenbauer K. Obermayer | SFB 910 | 20.06.13 | Jesper Mørk (Technical University of Denmark) | Slow light and cavity quantum electrodynamics in semiconductors | A. Knorr | SFB 910 |
27.06.13 | Tobias Korn (Universität Regensburg) | Optical spectroscopy of monolayer MoS2 | E. Malic | 05.07.13 (Friday) | Maria Krikunova (TU Berlin) | Antrittsvorlesung | Fakultätstag Physik | Physics Colloquium |
11.07.13 | Marcus Hauser (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg) | Synchronisation in yeast cell populations | P. Hövel | SFB 910 |
WS 2012/2013
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
18.10.12 | -- | -- | -- | -- |
25.10.12 | Thomas Franosch (Erlangen) | Complex Transport Beyond Brownian Motion | S. Klapp | SFB 910 |
01.11.12 | Kurt Busch (HU Berlin) | Nanophotonics: From Photonic Crystals to Plasmonics | H. Stark | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
08.11.12 | Paul van der Schoot (TU Eindhoven, NL) | Connectedness Percolation of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Fillers | H. Stark | GRK 1558 |
15.11.12 | -- | -- | -- | cancelled |
22.11.12 | Jean-Michel Gerard (CNRS CEA, Grenoble, France) | Photonic Trumpets: A Novel Ressource for Solid-state Quantum Optics | S. Reitzenstein U. Woggon | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
29.11.12 | Igor Lesanovsky (Nottingham, UK) | Characterizing dynamical phases of open quantum systems | T. Brandes | GRK 1558 |
06.12.12 | Fatihcan Atay (MPI MIS Dresden) | Time Delays and Coherent Activity in Spatially Extended Systems | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
13.12.12 | Hans-Jürgen Engelmann (GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Dresden) | Unterwegs in der Nano-Welt modernster CMOS-Bauelemente - Herausforderungen an die physikalische Charakterisierung immer kleinerer und komplexerer Strukturen | M. Lehmann | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
20.12.12 | -- | -- | -- | -- |
10.01.13 | Stephan W. Grill (MPI CBG Dresden) | The Generation of Form in Biology: Principles of Mechanochemical Patterning | C. Beta | GRK 1558 |
17.01.13 | Gorka Zamora-López (HU Berlin) | Segregation and integration in cortical networks: structure, function and dynamics | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
24.01.13 | Andreas Buchleitner (Freiburg) | (Quantum) complexity in biological tissue - why could coherence matter? | G. Schaller T. Brandes | GRK 1558 |
31.01.13 | Dietrich Zahn (TU Chemnitz) | Organic Semiconducting Thin Films: Spectroscopy and Applications | N. Esser | Physics Colloquium, starting at 17:15h |
07.02.13 | Ralf Schützhold (Duisburg) | Fundamental Quantum Effects in the Laboratory? | T. Brandes G. Schaller | GRK 1558 |
14.02.13 | Viktor Urumov (Skopje, Macedonia) | Control by time-varying delay of unstable steady states and periodic orbits | E. Schöll | SFB 910 |
SS 2012
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
12.04.12 | Mackillo Kira (Marburg) | Many-body physics in the eyes of a Schroedinger's cat | A.Knorr | |
19.04.12 | Ralf Metzler (Potsdam) | What Einstein did not know: anomalous diffusion, ageing and ergodicity breaking | H.Stark | Physics Colloquium: Begins at 17.15h |
26.04.12 | Dimitri Averin (Stony Brook, NY) | Thermodynamics and quantum mechanics of Coulomb blockade structures | G.Schaller | |
10.05.12 | Yuri Maistrenko (Kiev) | Emergent complex dynamics on oscillatory networks | E.Schoell | |
24.05.12 | Claus Ropers (Göttingen) | Strong-field physics in metallic nanostructures | S.Eisebitt | Physics Colloquium: Begins at 17.15h |
31.05.12 | Jochen Peters (Philips Research, Hamburg) | Applied research lecture: Medical Image Processing | H.Stark | Followed by the opening of GRK1558-Lounge |
07.06.12 | Markus Porto (Köln) | Proteins: Structure, Folding, and Evolution | K.Wolff | |
14.06.12 | Ernst Dorfi (Wien) | Galaktische Winde | D.Breitschwerdt | Physics Colloquium: Begins at 17.15h |
21.06.12 | Frank Hohls | postponed to next week | ||
28.06.12 | Frank Hohls (Braunschweig) | Semiconductor non-adiabatic quantized charge pumps | G.Kiesslich | |
05.07.12 | Josef Käs (Leipzig) | Are fundamental changes in a cell's material properties necessary for tumor progression? | C.Beta | |
06.07.12 | Stephan Reitzenstein (TU Berlin) | Quantenoptik mit Halbleiter-Quantenpunkten: Von Einzel- photonenquellen bis hin zu chaotischen Mikrolasern | A.Knorr C.Thomsen | Antrittsvorlesung im Rahmen des Fakultätstages Physik Begins at 16:00h Room EW 201 |
12.07.12 | Jun Jiang (Xi'an, China) | On a two-scale numerical method for the global analysis of nonlinear systems | E.Schöll |
WS 2011/2012
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
20.10.11 | Andreas Rosenauer (Bremen) | Quantitative Methoden der HR(S)TEM zur Kompositionsanalyse von Halbleiternanostrukturen. Vortrag im Rahmen der feierlichen Einweihung des neuen Elektronenmikroskopiegebäudes der TU Berlin; Grusswort durch den TU-Präsidenten Jörg Steinbach. | M.Lehmann | Physics Colloquium Special: begins at 14.15h in MA 005 |
27.10.11 | --- | --- | --- | at FHI: Birthday Colloquium for G. Ertl |
03.11.11 | Axel Pelster (Bielefeld) | On the Dirty Boson Problem | E.Schoell | |
10.11.11 | Roland Diehl (Garching) | Astrophysik mit MeV-Gamma Strahlung: Kosmische Radioaktivität | D.Breitschwerdt | Physics Colloquium Begins at 17.15h |
17.11.11 | Martin Hasler (EPFL Lausanne) | Dynamical systems for detecting communities in complex networks | E.Schoell | |
24.11.11 | Janine Splettstoesser (Aachen) | Time scales in the dynamics of an interacting quantum dot | T.Brandes | |
01.12.11 | Rainer Klages (London) | Spatio-temporal dynamics of bumblebees foraging under predation risk | H.Stark | |
08.12.11 | Alexander Altland (Köln) | Quantum phase transitions in the cold atom kicked rotor | T.Brandes | Physics Colloquium Begins at 17.15h |
05.01.12 | Nikolaos Kouvaris (Berlin) | Traveling fronts and stationary patterns in bistable reaction-diffusion systems on networks | A.Mikhailov | |
19.01.12 | Roland Netz (FU Berlin) | Single molecule dynamics of DNA and proteins: Experimental controversies and theoretical insights | H.Stark | Physics Colloquium Begins at 17.15h |
26.01.12 | Cristiano Ciuti (Paris) | Quantum fluids of light in nonlinear polaritonic systems | T.Brandes | |
02.02.12 | Lyderic Bocquet (Lyon) | Playing with osmotic forces: from mixing to self-propelled swimmers | H.Stark | |
09.02.12 | Jens Chr. Claussen (Lübeck) | Neuronal dynamics during sleep: state switching on different scales | S.Klapp E.Schöll | |
16.02.12 | Boris Gutkin (ENS Paris) | Phase response curves as a signature of neurol excitability dynamics with implications for neuromodulation, spike delays and inverse stochastic resonance | K.Obermayer |
SS 2011
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
14.04.11 | Jörn Dunkel (Cambridge) | Hydrodynamics of Microorganisms | H.Stark | |
21.04.11 | ||||
28.04.11 | Edward Ott (Maryland) | Synchronism in Large Networks of Oscillators: An Emergent Behavior of Complex Systems | E.Schoell | Opening Colloquium of SFB 910; Begins at 17.00h |
05.05.11 | Sarah Koester (Göttingen) | Cellular Dynamics in Microflow | C.Beta | |
12.05.11 | Neill Lambert (Tokyo) | Quantum and Classical Applications of Nanomechanics | T.Brandes | |
19.05.11 | Georg Maret (Konstanz) | Im Trüben fischen: Von Anderson-Lokalisierung zu neuronaler Aktivität | H.Stark | Physics Colloquium Begins at 17.15h |
26.05.11 | ||||
09.06.11 | Patrick Ilg (Zürich) | Systematic coarse-graining procedure for deriving constitutive equations of complex fluids from microscopic models | S.Klapp | |
16.06.11 | Manfred Albrecht (Chemnitz) | Moderne Konzepte und Materialien für die magnetische Datenspeicherung | S.Eisebitt | Physics Colloquium Begins at 17.15h |
23.06.11 | Vincenzo Savona (Lausanne) | Polariton quantum optics and quantum collective phenomena: overview and perspectives | A.Knorr | |
30.06.11 | Joern Davidsen (Calgary) | Pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems: From spiral waves to turbulence | C.Beta | |
07.07.11 | ||||
08.07.11 | Stefan Eisebitt (TU Berlin) | Nano-klein und femto-schnell: Röntgenholographie zur Untersuchung funktionaler Nanomaterialien | Antritts- vorlesung | Fakultätstag Physik Begins at 16.00h |
14.07.11 | Wouter-Jan Rappel | How do cells know which way to go? Insights from modeling and experiments. | C.Beta |
WS 2010/2011
Date | Speaker | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
21.10.10 | Peter R. Schreiner (Gießen) | Diamondoids as Novel Materials for Organic Electronics | U.Woggon | Physics Colloquium Begins at 17.15h |
28.10.10 | Ingo Fischer (Palma de Mallorca) | Dynamics and Applications of Delay-Coupled Systems | E.Schöll | |
04.11.10 | Maryam Roghani (Freiburg) | Entanglement dynamics of a strongly driven trapped atom | E.Schöll | |
11.11.10 | Iryna Omelchenko (Kiev) | Coherence-incoherence transition in nonlocally coupled networks | E.Schöll | |
18.11.10 | Andreas Burkert (München) | Die Physik des turbulenten interstellaren Mediums und das Rätsel der Sternentstehung | D.Breitschwerdt | Physics Colloquium Begins at 17.15h |
25.11.10 | Massimiliano Esposito (Bruxelles) | Efficiency and fluctuations in small out-of-equilibrium systems | T.Brandes | |
02.12.10 | Igor Sokolov (HU Berlin) | "Statistical mechanics of entropic forces" | H.Engel | In room EW 731 |
09.12.10 | Jan Wiersig (Magdeburg) | Lasing from semiconductor quantum dots in optical microcavities | A.Knorr | |
16.12.10 | Hans C. Schneider (Kaiserslautern) | Spinabhängige ultraschnelle Ladungs-trägerdynamik in Festkörpern | A.Knorr | Physics Colloquium Begins at 17.15h |
06.01.11 | Marcus Hauser (Magdeburg) | Analysis of vein networks of the slime mould Physarum polycephalum | M. Bär | |
13.01.11 | Rudolf Bratschitsch (Konstanz) | Ultrafast nanoplasmonics and spintronics | A.Knorr | |
20.01.11 | Tim Salditt (Göttingen) | X-ray holographic imaging of cells and membranes | S.Eisebitt | Physics Colloquium Begins at 17.15h |
27.01.11 | Francesco Ginelli (Paris) | Collective motion in active matter systems | M.Baer | |
03.02.11 | Doris Heinrich (München) | Spatio-temporally controlled cell migration | C.Beta | |
10.02.11 | ||||
17.02.11 | Harm Rotermund (Halifax) | Real Time Imaging and Control of Pattern Formation during Catalytic Surface Reactions | C.Beta |
SS 2010
Date | Talk by | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
14.04.10 | Sebastian Heidenreich (Oxford) | Collective behavior of active particles: From individual swimmer motion to macroscopic flow structures. | S.Klapp | Unscheduled talk 14.15h at EW 015 |
15.04.10 | Frank Stienkemeier (Freiburg) | Helium Nanotröpfchen: Ultra-Kurzzeitphysik und Spektroskopie von Nanostrukturen im Reich der Kälte | T.Möller | Physics Colloquium Begins at 17.15h |
22.04.10 | ||||
29.04.10 | Wolfgang Belzig (Konstanz) | Quasiprobability and quantum paradoxes in full counting statistics | T.Brandes | |
06.05.10 | Ulrich Hohenester (Graz) | Phonon dephasing in semiconductor QDs: Entangled photon sources and cavity QED | A.Knorr | |
11.05.10 | Junji Ohtsubo (Shizuoka, Japan) | Chaos and Applications in Semiconductor Lasers | E.Schöll | Unscheduled talk 16.00h at EW 731 |
20.05.10 | Thomas Pfohl (Basel) | Impact of the local environment on the life and survive of unicellular parasites | H.Stark | |
27.05.10 | Wolfgang Duschl (Kiel) | Die Kosmogonie massereicher Schwarzer Löcher | D.Breitschwerdt | Physics Colloquium Begins at 17.15h |
03.06.10 | Anastasiia Panchuk (Kiev) | Spiking in delay-coupled neural systems | E.Schöll | |
10.06.10 | Roberto Merlin (Ann Arbor, Michigan) | Negative Refraction and Radiationless Interference: The Quest for the Superlens | U.Woggon | Physics Colloquium Begins at 17.15h |
17.06.10 | Tilmann Kuhn (Münster) | Optical control of the spin state of a quantum dot doped with a single magnetic atom | A.Knorr | |
24.06.10 | Arthur Straube (HU Berlin | Pattern formation in colloidal explosions: theory and experiments | C.Beta | |
01.07.10 | Jens Rademacher (Amsterdam) | Some mathematical tools for pattern analysis in reaction diffusion systems | M.Bär H.Engel | |
08.07.10 | Blas Echebarria (Barcelona) | Calcium and voltage alternans in cardiac tissue | M.Bär | |
09.07.10 | Sabine Klapp (TU Berlin) | Kolloidsuspensionen: Massgeschneiderte Modellsysteme fuer die Statistische Physik (Antrittsvorlesung) | H.Stark | Fakultätstag Physik Begins at 16.00h |
15.07.10 |
WS 2009/2010
Date | Talk by | Title | Invited by | Remarks |
27.10.09 | Lukas Schneebeli (Marburg) | Photon correlation and squeezing strong-coupling semiconductors | A. Knorr | Out of order talk. Tuesday 14.15h EW 731 |
29.10.09 | Raymond Goldstein (Cambridge) | Evolution of biological complexity | H.Stark | Inauguration of the Research Training Group Begins at 17.15h. |
12.11.09 | Erik Gauger (Oxford) | Quantum coherence and entangle- ment in the avian compass. | H.Stark | |
19.11.09 | Grigory Bordyugov (Potsdam) | Nonlinear coupling in phase oscil- lators can produce a new type of chimera states. | H.Engel | |
02.12.09 | Gernot Plank (Oxford/Graz) | Mathematical modeling of the bio- electrical activity of the heart. Numerical techniques and electro- physiological applications. | M.Bär H.Engel | Unscheduled talk. Wednesday 16.00h EW731 |
03.12.09 | Jorn M. Hvam (Lyngby, Denmark) | Quantum aspects of semiconductor nanophotonics | U.Woggon D.Bimberg | Talk of Physics Colloquium. Begins at 17.15h. Cancelled! |
10.12.09 | Yury Maistrenko (Kiev) | Chimera states in coupled phase oscillators | E.Schöll | |
16.12.09 | Andrew Archer (Loughborough) | Dynamical density functional theory: a microscopic approach to the fluid mechanics of colloidal suspensions | S. Klapp | Unscheduled talk. Wednesday 16.15h EW015 |
17.12.09 | Johanne Hizanidis (Athens) | Enhancement of chaos encryption potential by combining all-optical and electro-optical chaos generators | E.Schöll | |
07.01.10 | Dieter Breitschwerdt (Berlin) | Antrittsvorlesung | H.Stark C.Thomsen | Talk of Physics Colloquium. Begins at 17.15h. |
14.01.10 | Alois Würger (Bordeaux) | Thermally driven transport in colloids | H.Stark | |
21.01.10 | Michele Campisi (Augsburg) | Fluctuation theorems for open quantum systems | A.Hahn | |
28.01.10 | Fatihcan Atay (Leipzig) | Oscillators under time delays | E.Schöll | |
04.02.10 | Svetlana Gurevich (Münster | Single localized structures in a three- component reaction-diffusion system | M.Dahlem | |
11.02.10 | Matthias Ballauff (Berlin) | Hybrids of metallic nanoparticles and polymer colloids - properties and applications | H. Stark | Talk of Physics Colloquium. Begins at 17.15h. |
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